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- *usr_31.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 03
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Exploiting the GUI
- Vim works well in a terminal, but the GUI has a few extra items. A file
- browser can be used for commands that use a file. A dialog to make a choice
- between alternatives. Use keyboard shortcuts to access menu items quickly.
- |31.1| The file browser
- |31.2| Confirmation
- |31.3| Menu shortcuts
- |31.4| Vim window position and size
- |31.5| Various
- Next chapter: |usr_40.txt| Make new commands
- Previous chapter: |usr_30.txt| Editing programs
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *31.1* The file browser
- When using the File/Open... menu you get a file browser. This makes it easier
- to find the file you want to edit. But what if you want to split a window to
- edit another file? There is no menu entry for this. You could first use
- Window/Split and then File/Open..., but that's more work.
- Since you are typing most commands in Vim, opening the file browser with a
- typed command is possible as well. To make the split command use the file
- browser, prepend "browse": >
- :browse split
- Select a file and then the ":split" command will be executed with it. If you
- cancel the file dialog nothing happens, the window isn't split.
- You can also specify a file name argument. This is used to tell the file
- browser where to start. Example: >
- :browse split /etc
- The file browser will pop up, starting in the directory "/etc".
- The ":browse" command can be prepended to just about any command that opens a
- file.
- If no directory is specified, Vim will decide where to start the file
- browser. By default it uses the same directory as the last time. Thus when
- you used ":browse split" and selected a file in "/usr/local/share", the next
- time you use a ":browse" it will start in "/usr/local/share" again.
- This can be changed with the 'browsedir' option. It can have one of three
- values:
- last Use the last directory browsed (default)
- buffer Use the same directory as the current buffer
- current use the current directory
- For example, when you are in the directory "/usr", editing the file
- "/usr/local/share/readme", then the command: >
- :set browsedir=buffer
- :browse edit
- Will start the browser in "/usr/local/share". Alternatively: >
- :set browsedir=current
- :browse edit
- Will start the browser in "/usr".
- Note:
- To avoid using the mouse, most file browsers offer using key presses
- to navigate. Since this is different for every system, it is not
- explained here. Vim uses a standard browser when possible, your
- system documentation should contain an explanation on the keyboard
- shortcuts somewhere.
- When you are not using the GUI version, you could use the file explorer window
- to select files like in a file browser. However, this doesn't work for the
- ":browse" command. See |file-explorer|.
- ==============================================================================
- *31.2* Confirmation
- Vim protects you from accidentally overwriting a file and other ways to lose
- changes. If you do something that might be a bad thing to do, Vim produces an
- error message and suggests appending ! if you really want to do it.
- To avoid retyping the command with the !, you can make Vim give you a
- dialog. You can then press "OK" or "Cancel" to tell Vim what you want.
- For example, you are editing a file and made changes to it. You start
- editing another file with: >
- :confirm edit foo.txt
- Vim will pop up a dialog that looks something like this:
- +-----------------------------------+
- | |
- | ? Save changes to "bar.txt"? |
- | |
- +-----------------------------------+
- Now make your choice. If you do want to save the changes, select "YES". If
- you want to lose the changes for ever: "NO". If you forgot what you were
- doing and want to check what really changed use "CANCEL". You will be back in
- the same file, with the changes still there.
- Just like ":browse", the ":confirm" command can be prepended to most commands
- that edit another file. They can also be combined: >
- :confirm browse edit
- This will produce a dialog when the current buffer was changed. Then it will
- pop up a file browser to select the file to edit.
- Note:
- In the dialog you can use the keyboard to select the choice. Mostly
- the <Tab> key and the cursor keys change the choice. Pressing <Enter>
- selects the choice. This depends on the system though.
- When you are not using the GUI, the ":confirm" command works as well. Instead
- of popping up a dialog, Vim will print the message at the bottom of the Vim
- window and ask you to press a key to make a choice. >
- :confirm edit main.c
- < Save changes to "Untitled"? ~
- [Y]es, (N)o, (C)ancel: ~
- You can now press the single key for the choice. You don't have to press
- <Enter>, unlike other typing on the command line.
- ==============================================================================
- *31.3* Menu shortcuts
- The keyboard is used for all Vim commands. The menus provide a simple way to
- select commands, without knowing what they are called. But you have to move
- your hand from the keyboard and grab the mouse.
- Menus can often be selected with keys as well. This depends on your
- system, but most often it works this way. Use the <Alt> key in combination
- with the underlined letter of a menu. For example, <A-w> (<Alt> and w) pops
- up the Window menu.
- In the Window menu, the "split" item has the p underlined. To select it,
- let go of the <Alt> key and press p.
- After the first selection of a menu with the <Alt> key, you can use the cursor
- keys to move through the menus. <Left> selects a submenu and <Right> closes
- it. <Esc> also closes a menu. <Enter> selects a menu item.
- There is a conflict between using the <Alt> key to select menu items, and
- using <Alt> key combinations for mappings. The 'winaltkeys' option tells Vim
- what it should do with the <Alt> key.
- The default value "menu" is the smart choice: If the key combination is a
- menu shortcut it can't be mapped. All other keys are available for mapping.
- The value "no" doesn't use any <Alt> keys for the menus. Thus you must use
- the mouse for the menus, and all <Alt> keys can be mapped.
- The value "yes" means that Vim will use any <Alt> keys for the menus. Some
- <Alt> key combinations may also do other things than selecting a menu.
- ==============================================================================
- *31.4* Vim window position and size
- To see the current Vim window position on the screen use: >
- :winpos
- This will only work in the GUI. The output may look like this:
- Window position: X 272, Y 103 ~
- The position is given in screen pixels. Now you can use the numbers to move
- Vim somewhere else. For example, to move it to the left a hundred pixels: >
- :winpos 172 103
- <
- Note:
- There may be a small offset between the reported position and where
- the window moves. This is because of the border around the window.
- This is added by the window manager.
- You can use this command in your startup script to position the window at a
- specific position.
- The size of the Vim window is computed in characters. Thus this depends on
- the size of the font being used. You can see the current size with this
- command: >
- :set lines columns
- To change the size set the 'lines' and/or 'columns' options to a new value: >
- :set lines=50
- :set columns=80
- Obtaining the size works in a terminal just like in the GUI. Setting the size
- is not possible in most terminals.
- You can start the X-Windows version of gvim with an argument to specify the
- size and position of the window: >
- gvim -geometry {width}x{height}+{x_offset}+{y_offset}
- {width} and {height} are in characters, {x_offset} and {y_offset} are in
- pixels. Example: >
- gvim -geometry 80x25+100+300
- ==============================================================================
- *31.5* Various
- You can use gvim to edit an e-mail message. In your e-mail program you must
- select gvim to be the editor for messages. When you try that, you will
- see that it doesn't work: The mail program thinks that editing is finished,
- while gvim is still running!
- What happens is that gvim disconnects from the shell it was started in.
- That is fine when you start gvim in a terminal, so that you can do other work
- in that terminal. But when you really want to wait for gvim to finish, you
- must prevent it from disconnecting. The "-f" argument does this: >
- gvim -f file.txt
- The "-f" stands for foreground. Now Vim will block the shell it was started
- in until you finish editing and exit.
- On Unix it's possible to first start Vim in a terminal. That's useful if you
- do various tasks in the same shell. If you are editing a file and decide you
- want to use the GUI after all, you can start it with: >
- :gui
- Vim will open the GUI window and no longer use the terminal. You can continue
- using the terminal for something else. The "-f" argument is used here to run
- the GUI in the foreground. You can also use ":gui -f".
- When gvim starts, it reads the gvimrc file. That's similar to the vimrc file
- used when starting Vim. The gvimrc file can be used for settings and commands
- that are only to be used when the GUI is going to be started. For example,
- you can set the 'lines' variable to set a different window size: >
- :set lines=55
- You don't want to do this in a terminal, since it's size is fixed (except for
- an xterm that supports resizing).
- The gvimrc file is searched for in the same locations as the vimrc file.
- Normally it's name is "~/.gvimrc" for Unix and "$VIM/_gvimrc" for MS-Windows.
- If for some reason you don't want to use the normal gvimrc file, you can
- specify another one with the "-U" argument: >
- gvim -U thisrc ...
- That allows starting gvim for different kinds of editing. You could set
- another font size, for example.
- To completely skip reading a gvimrc file: >
- gvim -U NONE ...
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_40.txt| Make new commands
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: